August 1st, at View details. What other software do I need? Depending on when you read Where to buy Adobe Illustrator CS5Buy Imagineer Systems mocha Pro v3.1 key, the price might vary quite a lot from those Where to buy Adobe Illustrator CS5. About license Package contents. I would like to purchase PS CS5 for work. They took over small companies such as mixamo and removed the feature where you can export your models to use them with source film maker. Thanks for subscribing! The one I brough from eBay just got revoked after about 3 years of use. So, do you turn to other random sources like eBay or Craigslist? Please keep in mind all that we said above though. The problem is, other products are very inferior and for someone who has grown up with Photoshop products, having to get used to some other clunky UI can be quite frustrating. No questions, just thank you so much for this! The Adobe store does not have the options to buy the old CS copies anymore. Then you download the software yourself from Adobe and enter your product key.