When kwy choose to activate your copy by phone or e-mail, you will iey to enter your activation code or provide the path to the activation file in the corresponding dialog box of the Activation Wizard. Screenshot Reader will convert the Screenshot Reader 11 buy key of the screenshot into text. Thanks, SWoS, for Cheapest SmithMicro Stuffit Deluxe 15 offering! If major Screenshot Reader 11 buy key are made Screenshot Reader 11 buy key the system e. You select a area on the screen which contains text even if it is on an image and it translates it into text and places it on your clipboard. This is for reviews only. This problem is common in OCR software. You will need to proof read afterwards though. Taking a screenshot is very easy. More about activation methods Via the Internet Activation is carried out automatically and takes very little time. Submit Your Review This is for reviews only. I use it to capture small amounts of text such as error messages. Search for:. This information is required in order to select the appropriate language and content of the activation reply message and will not be used for any other purposes. Activation is carried out automatically and takes very little time.