Buy Imagineer Systems mocha Pro 5 key
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Buy Imagineer Systems mocha Pro 5 key dragging spline points, add Imagiener subtract paint strokes are converted to vector splines Systmes greatly speeding up and simplifying multi-shape tracking and masking set-ups. Additionally the 3D solver
Buy Imagineer Systems mocha Pro 5 key be Imagneer to assist other 3D tracking applications on difficult shots with low detail or
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Buy Imagineer Systems mocha Pro 5 key, scale or crop stabilized footage based on user driven planar tracking. Solve 3D match moving capabilities with planar ease. Mocha Pro adds industry-standard OpenColorIO color management for consistent and predictable color display across industry workflows. A special technology preview will feature mocha VR, upcoming new features designed for cinematic VR filmmakers to process, track and fix problematic footage. Stabilize Module Smooth camera jitter and lock down shots. Unlimited tracking layers and advanced AdjustTrack interface can handle reflections, occlusions, noise, even areas with motion blur or low details. InImagineer Systems was acquired by Boris FX, a leading developer of effects, titling, and workflow plug-ins for broadcast, post-production, and film professionals. Advanced tools for shape editing include per-point edge feathering, join layers tool, transform tool, group layers and more make mocha Pro the ideal system for rotoscoping. The Remove Module is an amazing alternative to traditional clone and paint techniques for getting rid of unwanted pixels and removing objects. Boris FX Mocha Pro is here! X-spline and Bezier tools are designed to quickly create and edit detailed roto shapes. For hundreds of more Mocha training videos, visit Mocha TV.